Professor Elizabeth Lightfoot, currently a Fulbright Scholar at the Social Sciences Department, University of Bucharest, participated in the World Social Work Day celebrated by the Faculty...
In a first meeting with the MA students in Educational Policies at the Faculty of Education and Psychology of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, professor...
Historian Andrei Răzvan Voinea, Fulbright Alumnus, has just launched his first book Idealul locuirii bucureștene: familia cu casă și grădină (Parcelările Societății Comunale pentru Locuințe Ieftine-București...
„On the 5th of March 2019, I had the great privilege and honour to give a presentation on ‘Guidance and Counseling in Romania’ for a group...
On Tuesday, March 5, the Romanian – U.S. Fulbright Commission hosted the workshop titled “Building Your Way to US Admission: Essay Writing Strategies for Graduates”, coordinated...
Don’t miss the Fulbright Student Award webinar: „A Guidebook to the Fulbright Adventure: From the Application Process to Student Status”! On Thursday, March 14, from 4:00...
“As a Fulbright Student Researcher, I had the opportunity to attend last month an Enrichment Seminar titled ‘Technology, Entrepreneurship and Startups’, which was held in Salt...
“In the week of 18th-22nd February, 2019, I had the great opportunity to visit some schools in Wisconsin to learn about policies and practices related to...
Since the Revolution in 1989, not only the Romanian border but also its archives have opened. In his presentation at an American Studies class at the...
Date & Location: Tuesday, March 5, 17:30-18:30 @ the Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission, Fulbright-EducationUSA Advising Center Coordinated by: James Wilson, Southern Methodist University, 2018-2019 Fulbright ETA at the...