American Security: Integrating Multiple Experiences

Along four intensive days, over 80 Fulbrighters from over 40 countries, and various fields of knowledge, met in Raleigh, North Carolina for enriching their experience in the United States. They shared among each other and with the speakers their understanding, ideas and experiences on the security, more specific, food security, sustainable energy and policy, and disaster relief. The participants had the opportunity to discuss and network in different frames of work: panel discussions, small groups discussions, breakout sessions with representatives of various organizations (North Carolina Division of Emergency Management, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and North Carolina Department of Agriculture), interactive simulation, and site visits (Duke Energy’s Harris Energy and Environmental Education Center, North Carolina State Emergency Management Headquarters, and Food bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina – Raleigh Branch). One event included in the agenda by the North Carolina State University was highly enjoyed by the participants – the home hospitality dinner – which gave some insights on the American culture and living.
From Romania participated three Fulbrighters, Angelica Mariana Andrei, Marcela Slusarciuc, and Simona Ioana Stefan. There are multiple benefits of this event for each participant – extension of understanding of American security issues, networking and building of future partnerships, understanding of the variety of experiences and cultures, and share of own knowledge and experience.