“In December 2019, I was invited by EUROAVIA Bucharest (the European Association of Aerospace Students) to give a seminar at the DebateX Unity 2019. Part of the event I had the opportunity to talk with the aerospace engineering students from University Politehnica of Bucharest about my academic experience as a Fulbright scholar at Georgia Institute of Technology and share my technical knowledge on the topic of supersonic propulsions systems. The seminar titled ‘Recent Developments in Scramjet Propulsion: elements of plasma assisted combustion & plasma spectroscopy’, discussed a novel approach for igniting and stabilizing scramjet engines using laser-generated plasma (this was the main topic of my PhD research at Colorado State University).
EUROAVIA is an international student association with several Local Groups across Europe that spread and live the EUROAVIA spirit, a set of common values based upon hard work, innovation, cultural awareness, team-work and international networking. EUROAVIA comprises of 42 local groups, in 18 countries for a total of more than 2000 members.
DebateX stands out from the other projects of the Association and is one of the events that strongly supports the mission of EUROAVIA Bucharest, namely to help shape the future leaders in the aerospace field. With the main tool being the debate, the event has its own proposes to highlight an essential feature that underlies human relations: communication. The topic of this edition’s discussions was closely related to the concept of ‘Supersonic Aircraft’, a relevant topic in the current context, which has repercussions on contemporary aviation, given the massive intensification of air traffic and the need to facilitate the process transport.” – Ciprian Dumitrache, 2011-2012 Fulbright Student @ Georgia Institute of Technology, in the field of Aerospace Engineering