On Wednesday, April 8, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m., we invite you to join us for a new online seminar dedicated to Fulbright Student Award applicants & titled “Practical Guidance for Your Application from a Fulbright Alumna.”
The webinar will be conducted by Daniela Staicu, alumna of the 2018-2019 Fulbright Student Award program, who carried out research at Penn State University, within the Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship program. This past fall, Daniela was awarded a Doctor in Business Administration degree by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, for a research project focused on „Models of Social Business in the Romanian Textile and Clothing Sector and Barriers in Business Development”.
During the webinar, Daniela will share her perspective on the application process for graduate admissions, addressing topics such as essay drafting, how to prioritise a list of university options, asking for recommendations, and writing a solid CV. She will also talk about her life at Penn State University as an international student researcher, as well as her plans and current activities. Daniela will be ready to answer your questions in the second part of the webinar.
For attendance, please register at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7584078671023041549