U.S. Fulbright Scholar David Gracon continues his dialogue-driven series “Exit Strategies: Critical Dialogues and Alternative Media” with a hybrid event on Media Activism.
Volume 4: Media Activism Against State Repression in the U.S.
Date/Time: Thursday, March 28th, 2024, 18:00-20:00 (Romania/Bucharest Time).
In-Person Location: T Building, Room TP8, Transilvania University of Brașov (25 Eroilor Boulevard)
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83541491076
Description (presentation via Zoom): Digital media production serves as a core element of many grassroots struggles as cell phones and other handheld devices become more ubiquitous. Yet such media can also provide a toehold for state repression that infiltrates and surveils online spaces and digital devices used by activists. This talk explores how copwatchers, and other groups use such media in their activism and confront various types of state repression in the process within the U.S. Dr. Robe will also personally reflect on his own activist experiences over the years as well as his related research on Romanian New Wave (RNW) Cinema.
Bio: Dr. Chris Robe earned his PhD, Film and Media Studies/Literature from Lehigh University. He is currently a Professor of Film and Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University.
Robé’s primary research concerns the use of media by various communities and social movements. In the twenty-first century, media does not simply offer a representational platform for different communities but more importantly serves as a material practice to engage in collective struggles for a wide variety of purposes. His most recent book Abolishing Surveillance: Digital Media Activism and State Repression (PM Press, 2023) concerns the relationship between video/digital media activism and state repression pertaining to animal rights campaigns, counter-summit protesting, Latinx copwatching and community organizing, and Muslim-American youth resistance.
Series Description: This speaker series features a combination of critical media scholars, artists and activists. It entails talks, conversations, media screenings and performances that examine historical and contemporary issues related to critical media theory and active media practices happening in the world. The series reinforces the importance of independent and alternative media that functions outside the dominant media systems in search of new ideas, inspiration and critical thinking skills necessary for a democratic, humanizing and interesting society.
This dialogue driven series is open to both the Transilvania University (students, faculty and staff) and the greater Brașov, Romania community and beyond.
Programmer Bio: Dr. David Gracon is a U.S. Fulbright Scholar and visiting professor of American Studies/Communication at Transilvania University located in Brasov, Romania with a project focused on critical media literacy education. His research/creative and teaching interests include critical media literacy, the political economy of media, alternative media and documentary film. He was previously a Fulbright Scholar in Ukraine (2017-2018) and has served as a faculty member at Eastern Illinois University and Gonzaga University. He is currently developing an educational startup: Media Literacy Access Initiative (MLAI). His film and video works have been screened at the Chicago and Seattle Underground Film Festivals and at 50+ other venues.
For more information/Contact: davidgracon@gmail.com
👉 Critical Dialogues and Alternative Media » Fulbright Romania
👉 Exploring the Hip-Hop Culture: Highlights from Dr. David Gracon’s ‘Exit Strategies’ First Event » Fulbright Romania
👉 Exit Strategies, Volume 2 » Fulbright Romania
👉 Exit Strategies, Volume 3 » Fulbright Romania